Time stands still


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Time stands still cover

A different version of the poem ” Time stands still” can be found here

I dream your fire

by justme

Eyes closed then wider opened, I enter a higher land.
While smoothing touch of air, of wind, seduces my skin on face.
Soft and warm, fulfilling, I welcome its gentle, caring touch.
If its love I long, its smothering caress, draws me closer
and higher
and lighter
and still.

Then heavy eyelids slide up to glimpse a twinkle in the sky
As all great men have seen, so now have I.
Invisible umbilical draws it,
dares it,
closer to me.
Longing, sprited heart seeks its solace, its centre.
Oh if I could merge with thee, and touch the mind of man.

Fill this gap, this space between you and I .
I dream your fire, your peace, your power,
of solitude.

The raindrops slip
and drip
and drop, to earth
The noise they make dances within my ears as
The buzz and bizz of man made energy hums and mumbles
Dull, yet somehow clear.
I hold this scene with eyes now closed
and drift and shift, so slow.

Time stands still
and still
and stop.
My heart and mind raised, beyond all mountain top.
I soar,
I fly,
I see. ∞

Credit: poem  © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved


The greatest treasure

Seek not the farther good, seek not that which seems beyond the pale, but rather look for your joy within your brothers heart, for it is in the heart of your neighbour lies the greatest treasure. It is in the laughter of your chat and the babble of your children, in the rush of the morning and at the busy breakfast table you shall find your joy

and he continued:

many have sought in the clouds or sought peace in another, but few have entered the silent place, few have understood they cannot see because the universe has chose it so, let you not be like them, let you when you hear the words – this is wrong, this is right, let you know that every right and every wrong is but only wrong or right for you. 

When confusion lifts her bedraggled head let your heart and mind and soul cry out, I dont know! Then the universe shall lift you and holding you close and gently stroking your head it shall rock you to sleep, and you will wish to know no more.

Credit: writing © justme; Image@ CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Bread of spirit

…and then she rose and spoke and a calm energy filled the space and they knew the ground she standeth on was but hallowed ground, as her words flowed, so too their ears were filled with longing, not for the sounds or rolling of tongue but for the space between, for as the stress of sound and syllable left her tongue to reach the ether so too their hearts filled with remembrance of a yesterday when whence the first remembered their own silent song of longing and fulfilment.

As the drums of man beat out its tone the blood of life flowed from their veins and trickled through the earth to join that holy moment of life and love and foreverness. Her words were but a dance of destiny evoking not the mind of man but of tomorrow and a new dream, they troubled not the intellect for they closed the door against such a fiery guest, yet they flew from the windows to reach the stars and she, yet she knew it not, formed and kneaded the bread of spirit that their spirits together echoed and bellowed a thousand worlds.

…and words were no more. ∞

Credits: Writing © justme; Image: CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

World without end

It is true of every human that the thing which seems the weakest, that thing which draws a human experience toward the source, like a moth to the light, is actually the strongest.That thing which may be called a hidden desire,an unfulfillment, is so strong and its presence is always felt no matter how faint, though we sometimes go left or right and up and down or stand still, eventually we find the same light and even though we may get burned and even materially destroyed, we fulfil our destiny of servitude and experience which is the fulfillment of the law.The fulfillment of the law, though it may need numerous attempts will always eventually lead to recognition of the expression of source like a droplets of water fulfilling that which is called wave. So too that which is our destiny will realise its connection with life and we will understand that even man’s concept of time and space,desire and fulfillment are merely concepts expressed by that which cannot entertain anything of a greater magnitude.
This seemingly hidden desire will shed the clothes of disguise through that which is referred to as experience and be seen once again, as it was in the beginning and ever shall be, world without end.∞

A video version of this fragment by justme can be found under ” A hidden desire”

Credits: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Essence of light

Essence of light
by justme 

Essence of light
Meandering beauty of a traveller
Stars align, nothing said
Moon reflect no thoughts
Aloneness but beauty.
No masquerade.

No clock of man
No wind nor rain
No eyes need see
No skin , no pain.

Space within, space without.
Whispering knowledge.
Million years reign.
Warmth and peace the content.
The veil appears.
I am born again.

Credits: poem © justme; Image: © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved;

Essence of light is also the title of the first just poems’ chapbook


by justme

Space is that in-between, you cannot grasp
Silence is like space, spirit also
Nothing fills the space, or blocks it neither
Spirit is like space. Space it overflows and yet
Be filled, or emptied.
Spirit is as space.

You cannot paint the space
Though you thought you did.
Or a trillion men paint with brush at hand
You cannot colour.
The spirit neither

Space is the holder of everything
Of all that has gone and all to come
Space has no inside and yet everything is held within
No outside, yet incorporates everything without and more,
And less.
And much and nothing.
Spirit too is the holder of everything
All to come and is here and gone, before.

You are held within the space, and more
You are spirit, and you are space
Minute, yet huge, unseen, undisturbed, ageless
like spirit, like space, like now.

Credits: Poem: © justme; Image: © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Within us Without us

Photos taken in Skanör, Sweden

Listen with ear phones, click “HD” in the upper right hand corner of the video and watch in full size for best experience.



Photos and video by Catrin

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