I, that quiet thing

The reason why your awakening seems curious is because you are dreaming.

……….and within your dream, I am there.. that silent thing, that thing just out of reach. That which you have not named, for you cannot dwell long enough to consider I, that quiet thing, that silent thing, that thing just beyond your touch, yet not your feel, for you feel me so, that silent thought, that knowing thing, that quiet, always thing.
Dream on oh innocent, for I share your other dream, your silent, quiet, always dream, always dream, always a quiet, silent, always dream….and some day I promise you, you shall, dream no more………shhh…


Credit: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Bread of spirit

…and then she rose and spoke and a calm energy filled the space and they knew the ground she standeth on was but hallowed ground, as her words flowed, so too their ears were filled with longing, not for the sounds or rolling of tongue but for the space between, for as the stress of sound and syllable left her tongue to reach the ether so too their hearts filled with remembrance of a yesterday when whence the first remembered their own silent song of longing and fulfilment.

As the drums of man beat out its tone the blood of life flowed from their veins and trickled through the earth to join that holy moment of life and love and foreverness. Her words were but a dance of destiny evoking not the mind of man but of tomorrow and a new dream, they troubled not the intellect for they closed the door against such a fiery guest, yet they flew from the windows to reach the stars and she, yet she knew it not, formed and kneaded the bread of spirit that their spirits together echoed and bellowed a thousand worlds.

…and words were no more. ∞

Credits: Writing © justme; Image: CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved


by justme

You say you do not know me
Yet I know you
You say you never met me
Yet I met you
You say you never loved me
Yet I have always loved you
You say you never spoke to me
Yet I always speak to you
You say you are looking for me
Yet here I am.
You say to people we are one
Yet you act like we are two
You say you will never die
Yet you are dead right now
You said I am the answer
Yet you never asked.

You have said all these things
Some imaginary, some true
You have said all these things
Still I always love you

Credits: poem © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved


The leaf will land just exactly where it was meant to land.

May you float with the wind, both high and low, may the wind always be on your back. May the road rise up to meet you and may God hold you in the palm of his hand until we meet again. May love recognise you and may you recognise love when it knocks upon your door. May you grasp it and hold it as you held it before, as a friend once distanced,once upon a time love lost you but as it lost you, so shall it find you. For it’s will is undeterred and it’s resilience unending.

May your dreams be dreams of what once you seen and once you were and may you fall asleep to the sound of the promises of tomorrow and the loving memories of yesterday, for they were not memories created by a searching soul but memories founded upon the real, the memories of a forgotten tomorrow and the promises of a child born to fulfil its destiny.
A destiny you once laid before the alter of life and swore to fulfill. You my child are the dream and the dreamer. 

Credits: Writing © justme; Image: © CatrinPhoto;

You told me so

There is only one world. That is your world. No one can see as you see. Do you know if everybody sees as you see? When you see colours does everyone see the same colour as you ? When you see the colour purple does everybody see purple as you see purple ? How do you know ? 

Let me tell you why.

You are in a dream. There is only you in the dream and everything in the dream you created. It is not who you are , you are in a dream. The things that are in your world, you created them. There is nobody else but you in the dream.
Once upon a time and yet there was no time, you came to me and told me to come to you and wake you up. Now you dont remember me yet you know me. I seem familiar. All the things you have done you have done so you can sleep but you know you must not sleep too long. You have many more of me coming , you told me so.

 They will come so you might have life. You told me so.

Credits: writng © justme; Image @ CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Silent tear

A meditation….

The quote based on the fragment poem "Silent Tear" by justme
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To imagine is to dream

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Touch your dream

By justme

Close your eyes for dreams
For all is not as it seems
The imagined clock stands true
The silence roars to you.
Feel the beat of heart
before the dream will start
Touch your dreams with mine
Feel the dance of rhyme
Then slowly settle down
Let silence be your crown.
Then breathe as if your last
No more future, no more past.
Then slip your hand in mine
Our song it moves with time.
Let your dance be one of joy.
Of a lady and a boy.
Who dared to dream their dream.
To drift upon a mind less, endless stream.
Of love.

 Poem read by the author

Perfect place


July sunshine drips the fields
Unseen kindness smooths the drying grass
Swiftly the rivers spill and rush and yields
Tiny midgets flick and dart and dash
My minds eye beholds a hallowed land
Every movement thunders and grips unplanned.Judge not this moment by warming splashing sunlight
Use not the eyes of this human blinded man
Sing not my song of other men’s great insight
Touch the scene with thine own, inner silent hand

Perfect place that creates this wondered view
Ever ready to unfold and pull thy subtle strings
Reach my heart and pull me closer, nearer to you
For my mind has busied with many useless things
End this silly human sleepy dream
Carry me and lay me in the centre of this holy scene.
That I might live.

© cmc@justpoems.org; All rights reserved