Filled with perfect

By justme 

For once there was a perfect time, filled with perfect, in perfect rhyme.
The laze of man, of thing and things and all the emptiness that human brings
Met with perfect, at the door, dropped it’s bag and cried no more.
Yet human man he soon forgot, built his castle, learned to rot.
Forgot that perfect, held his hand, tolled the roads, ploughed the land.

Then one day when man was old, a moment touched, a silence hold.
Of a perfect day, not noticed then, cared then less, cared not again.
It’s that call that calls him now.
Frets the beads, upon his brow.

…….perfect came and perfect went
A perfect moment, no man has spent
For perfect is as perfect be, perfect touch, as perfect see.
Yes perfect called, this man missed thee
For perfect shouts, so silently.

Perfect kissed with perfect breath
Then perfect looked,
Then perfect,


Read by the author

Credits: poem @ justme; Image: CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved.


The paradox of everything


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The paradox of everything-Cover

Quote gelbIt is not the dawning of ecstasy we thrive to inhale, it is not the chivalry of being we wish to indulge, it is the paradox of everything we seek.

Sadness is our horse, affliction our companion and loneliness our welcomed friend. We seek that which we openly repulse. We seek the same that we may dwell upon the void and perhaps drop naked upon the cloud of nothingness, in the hope we catch a reflection of the real, a murmur of the true and a glimpse of our beginning. Our will to fulfill, our prayer to die and our being to be loved.

This is my prayer.
This is my will.
This is my surrender. 


Into the silence (Prayer)


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Into the silence-cover

Pray with me


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Pray with me-Cover

For another version of this prayer, please click here

Stay with me

by justme

Love me, like I love you.
Touch me with all thats true.
For the night is dark and cold and still is the air.
Will you just stand, look upon me and stare?
I am just the same as you.
A roaring lion but underneath a shrew.

I only play dead that you might see
The true humanity within justme

I asked dear god to save you so
I prayed the prayer only martyrs know
Still they came and stole you away
The enlightened book proved no sway.

So all was gone and your breast was pierced
An intruder there within the grail
Children cried and yet forgot
Yet you mother, guarded from the cot.

They say yesterday is but a simple dream
Yet here is the place you and I have been
Let no man shout about what I have not
Unless they seen you, spoke to you or seen your lot.
Let heaven or hell or the clouds fall in
For a kiss from you I would commit all sin.

Stay with me just a little while for the night draws dark and soon sleep shall come.
As eyelids close, vagueness falls, the picture evaporates…
and nothings left to understand, at all.

Stay with me just a little while
Hold me tight as I recoil. For cold is the night and all is lost ∞

Credits: poem @ justme; Image @ CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

One life

There is one life , my life.
There is no other life.

All things which come to me, or appear to me came through this one life.
All I see, taste,touch,hear or smell is that which I created.
This world is a world of possibilities. This world knows no lack.
This world provides everything that is needed. This world is perfect, because that which created the world must be perfect.
Nothing perfect could create imperfection. The imperfection is only how I view the world.

I need a new pair of glasses because the old glasses are full of opinions, both my own and my peers. The opinions are formed through my own desires and through others beliefs – which are not mine. Beliefs which I have accepted through fear, though I know in my deepest place, there is nothing to fear.

I pray, I do not accept the world because of what men say even if they be 99 to 1. Rather let me accept only that which echoes in my heart. Let me have the faith to know, not only in words but really know- that which goes before me makes the crooked places straight. Why, because that which goes before me is that which I am.That which goes before me creates everything so perfectly how could it not create me so perfectly? It must have !


Credits: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

This heart is not so lost

by justme

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself “.
~ D.H. Lawrence

I am that bird that sat upon that tree
Looking all about of me.
I am that bird that stilled and died
And it’s true no tears, this bird has cried

Yet I this bird, still chose the tree
Though I will die, it still comforts me
This heart therefore is not so lost
It’s true I’ll die, but I still avoid the frost.

Even though we believe in truth

And accept we perhaps, have no proof

Except what agrees within our hearts

Still we are human, playing the human parts.

Like this bird someday we all will die

We can question and ask the reason why

There is nothing wrong for us to find our tree

To ask their protection and help to be.

When we shelter upon that place

And God looks gently upon our face

When we look at deaths own door

And human fight can fight, no more.

Lay your head upon your tree

Whisper softly, easy and gently

‘I am a bird that sits upon a tree
I love that you are here with me ‘.

The world of trees with a universal song

Will sing to the universe to which you belong

‘ This is our sister the world let roam,
treat her well, love her, then take her home ‘.

Credit: poem © justme; Image; © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserve

You are our breath

It is within the moments of dread, of fear, when everything is too much, when nothing is enough, when everything is wrong because of you, or so it seems. It is in such moments, you cannot see the stars, the sun is hidden and the sounds of silence are no more.
It is in such moments that life shouts out to you, ” my child, you are an instructor of the universe, you are that which makes the rivers roll and the grasses bow, you are our breath, you give us life”

For the stars they are always there, the sun it never leaves, it is you who is the silence, yet even the silence to know itself must check upon the noise, the greater noise, that silence must be understood, that the moon must have its turn, that the stars too must sleep.
Hold your moment and court it well, for as a moment come, so shall it pass and the view upon the alter shall differ upon the lifting of the fog.
Such is your life and so shall be mine.


Credits: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

I, that quiet thing

The reason why your awakening seems curious is because you are dreaming.

……….and within your dream, I am there.. that silent thing, that thing just out of reach. That which you have not named, for you cannot dwell long enough to consider I, that quiet thing, that silent thing, that thing just beyond your touch, yet not your feel, for you feel me so, that silent thought, that knowing thing, that quiet, always thing.
Dream on oh innocent, for I share your other dream, your silent, quiet, always dream, always dream, always a quiet, silent, always dream….and some day I promise you, you shall, dream no more………shhh…


Credit: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Come sing with me

by justme

Come sing with me, oh choir of man for knaves and kings and precious things
You have not known or understand. Come dance with me, oh child of God
For her and he and all things free, while you still move above the sod

Come lie with me, oh queen of life, for want and will and endless still
That knows not of the human strife, come pray with me, oh spirit child
For tower and tree and bird and bee, that knows there is no wild

Come sleep with me, oh prince of peace, for dark to day and to find a way
That knows all tongue will rest and cease,
Come home with me,
O blessed might
For touch and time, and your life sublime,
that knows you are my loving light

Your now with me, oh spirit man, destiny unfold the master plan
You arrived back home from where you came.
Despite you playing, the human game.

Rest now, all is well….. ∞

Credit: poem© justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved