The Idea of Perfect (Quote)


The idea of perfect

Quote gelb

Perfect is that thing that life promises, that ideas derive from and that imagination sets. Although humans touch it through idea and imagining they cannot recreate it. A pefect circle when re created is always flawed, the idea is not.

Pray with me


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Pray with me-Cover

For another version of this prayer, please click here

You are our breath

It is within the moments of dread, of fear, when everything is too much, when nothing is enough, when everything is wrong because of you, or so it seems. It is in such moments, you cannot see the stars, the sun is hidden and the sounds of silence are no more.
It is in such moments that life shouts out to you, ” my child, you are an instructor of the universe, you are that which makes the rivers roll and the grasses bow, you are our breath, you give us life”

For the stars they are always there, the sun it never leaves, it is you who is the silence, yet even the silence to know itself must check upon the noise, the greater noise, that silence must be understood, that the moon must have its turn, that the stars too must sleep.
Hold your moment and court it well, for as a moment come, so shall it pass and the view upon the alter shall differ upon the lifting of the fog.
Such is your life and so shall be mine.


Credits: writing © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

The beginning of existence

The action surrounding the connecting of two, leading to the rhythm and joining together as if one, is the fulfilment of a desire of completion, once standard, then lost, once passive, then searched. The same action is not determined by an act of free will, but triggered by a memory of what once was. The memory provoked and stimulated through the gross or the conscious is an indication of the completion and , left by others,  the beginning of existence.

Credits: writing © justme; Image © CarinPhoto; All rights reserved

Always there

This quote is part of the poem ” The Moon” by justme.

I can see

by justme 

I stood before the ridging waves
falling down then rising up, rolling forward effortlessly.
Feet lowered in sinking sand as tiny tickles spread my toes
Foaming white lusciousness, popped and fizzled
Tiny objects pushed forward then pulled back
Salt upon my lips left behind by a soft hidden breeze.
Always sun upon my face.

No man could plan this scene
No man could create the sand, the sparkling water,the taste of salt.
Not even one grain of sand can he create.
Yet it is everywhere.
Infinite intelligence waved the wand
From some place else it did conceive
For now, I can but look, and see myself.
Silent joy as I am part of this picture.This scene.
Where else shall I look that I might believe?
What else did I miss before me?
Through these eyes of light I now perceive
My god, my god, look my friends.
I can see !

Credits: poem © justme; Images © Catrinphoto; All rights reserved


The leaf will land just exactly where it was meant to land.

May you float with the wind, both high and low, may the wind always be on your back. May the road rise up to meet you and may God hold you in the palm of his hand until we meet again. May love recognise you and may you recognise love when it knocks upon your door. May you grasp it and hold it as you held it before, as a friend once distanced,once upon a time love lost you but as it lost you, so shall it find you. For it’s will is undeterred and it’s resilience unending.

May your dreams be dreams of what once you seen and once you were and may you fall asleep to the sound of the promises of tomorrow and the loving memories of yesterday, for they were not memories created by a searching soul but memories founded upon the real, the memories of a forgotten tomorrow and the promises of a child born to fulfil its destiny.
A destiny you once laid before the alter of life and swore to fulfill. You my child are the dream and the dreamer. 

Credits: Writing © justme; Image: © CatrinPhoto;

China Moon

by justme 

….and rested her, her China hand and China eye.
With gentle touch and trembling tear.
Lift he love upon himself, smooth glowing skin, slipped a sigh.
The earth it crumbled, fled of the fear.
As man and woman, no breath as near.
…and he rested her, upon a cloud,
Whispered words, their love, their shroud.
Womb of God.
Stem of life.
Man and woman.
Man and wife.
Of alumni and alumnae
That night they slept the rainbow
And the angels,
They did cry….

Poem read by the author

Credits: Poem © justme; Image:@ CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

You told me so

There is only one world. That is your world. No one can see as you see. Do you know if everybody sees as you see? When you see colours does everyone see the same colour as you ? When you see the colour purple does everybody see purple as you see purple ? How do you know ? 

Let me tell you why.

You are in a dream. There is only you in the dream and everything in the dream you created. It is not who you are , you are in a dream. The things that are in your world, you created them. There is nobody else but you in the dream.
Once upon a time and yet there was no time, you came to me and told me to come to you and wake you up. Now you dont remember me yet you know me. I seem familiar. All the things you have done you have done so you can sleep but you know you must not sleep too long. You have many more of me coming , you told me so.

 They will come so you might have life. You told me so.

Credits: writng © justme; Image @ CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Maybe nothing is real

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