World without end

It is true of every human that the thing which seems the weakest, that thing which draws a human experience toward the source,like a moth to the light, is actually the strongest.That thing which may be called a hidden desire,an unfulfillment, is so strong and its presence is always felt no matter how faint,though we sometimes go left or right and up and down or stand still, eventually we find the same light and even though we may get burned and even materially destroyed, we fulfil our destiny of servitude and experience which is the fulfillment of the law.The fulfillment of the law, though it may need numerous attempts will always eventually lead to recognition of the expression of source like a droplets of water fulfilling that which is called wave. So too that which is our destiny will realise its connection with life and we will understand that even mans concept of time and space,desire and fulfillment are merely concepts expressed by that which cannot entertain anything of a greater magnitude.

This seemingly hidden desire will shed the clothes of disguise through that which is referred to as experience and be seen once again, as it was in the beginning and ever shall be, world without end.∞

A video version of this fragment can be found here

Credit: writing © Justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Who am I ?

by justme

I walk alone
A slow enduring walk
I lift my head to look around
Food for life I need
Slowly, delicately, no talk.

Hide me, don’t notice me
I shake my head
Is this my life?
No one to help
Who am I ?

I want to break free
I want to be me
Let me be alive
Please, no more I strive

Is this who I am?
Oh life what are you ?
Who am I ?
What do I belong too?

Then with glimpse I see
Old falls away
What is this fantastic dress?
Not mine, not yours
Who am I ?
Coloured beauty ecstasy
Who is this?
Or why ?

I know not why
But with everything I spread wide
To seek the source
Now a butterfly I

Credits: poem © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

Bread of spirit

…and then she rose and spoke and a calm energy filled the space and they knew the ground she standeth on was but hallowed ground, as her words flowed, so too their ears were filled with longing, not for the sounds or rolling of tongue but for the space between, for as the stress of sound and syllable left her tongue to reach the ether so too their hearts filled with remembrance of a yesterday when whence the first remembered their own silent song of longing and fulfilment.

As the drums of man beat out its tone the blood of life flowed from their veins and trickled through the earth to join that holy moment of life and love and foreverness. Her words were but a dance of destiny evoking not the mind of man but of tomorrow and a new dream, they troubled not the intellect for they closed the door against such a fiery guest, yet they flew from the windows to reach the stars and she, yet she knew it not, formed and kneaded the bread of spirit that their spirits together echoed and bellowed a thousand worlds.

…and words were no more. ∞

Credits: Writing © justme; Image: CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved


by justme

You say you do not know me
Yet I know you
You say you never met me
Yet I met you
You say you never loved me
Yet I have always loved you
You say you never spoke to me
Yet I always speak to you
You say you are looking for me
Yet here I am.
You say to people we are one
Yet you act like we are two
You say you will never die
Yet you are dead right now
You said I am the answer
Yet you never asked.

You have said all these things
Some imaginary, some true
You have said all these things
Still I always love you

Credits: poem © justme; Image © CatrinPhoto; All rights reserved

The Journey

by justme

 (Read by the author)

At first you did not recognise me…..I came to wake you because you told me so.
You told me you would sleep; you told me just a breath ago.

It seems so long ago, and yet….!

The whirling whirl of everything, but stop …and then a gust passed over me,
not of wind
or air but
of spirit…
I remembered you;
I remembered why I came to you.
It was because you told me to
I shook you at first, but you did not know me.
You wanted me to go away.
Then you looked at me.
What emerged was a strange curiosity.

Then you saw yourself in me.

then finally – mortality

Oh to miss a thousand years, oh to weep a thousand tears
‘Have I nothing? Is what you cried

Silence prevailed

you flew high.


Crashing, tumbling torrents of fury
Smashing gouging thunders
Crater and mass obliterating gory.
Why me?’ you said, why you?” you asked

I came to wake you because you told me so, you told me you would sleep, you told me this, just a breath ago.
I am come to wake you because you told me to..

You came for me?
You promised you would come for me!

Brooding, effervescent unravelling
Bubbling, and unfolding epiphany.
Eyes that see, ears that hear
the veil has lifted, all is clear.

Tenderness touch,
warm embrace,
then finally -translucency.

Recognition of a hundred lives
joyful laugh – bursting breath

Then you looked at me

Oh my self you came for me.
I asked you to wake me up.
You remembered, you came for me.

Yes. I came because you told me to.
I woke you because you asked me to.

Thank you friend.

Now I must go.
I will drift
with the wind.
Rise in the ether
and fall with the snow

Your eyes are closing and now you will sleep
Is there a promise that I should keep?
Oh dear friend remember me
Come and wake me before my end.
Tell me that I sent you so
Let me know I sent you.

Just a breath, just a moment ago

The image shows ” THE void of THE void” – daylight falling through a small opening at the top of a structural element OF the Libeskind building at the Jewish Museum in Berlin; Aug 13, 2012

Credits: Poem © justme; Image © Michaela; All rights reserved